reaching over 2,000 households in africa to...

unleash the power of youth and women


Despite having immense potential, Africa remains the least developed continent in the world, facing deep social, economic, and health disparities. The continent’s societies continue to suffer from a pervasive shadow of inequality, with the youth, women, and the girl child being the most vulnerable.

In Zambia, 76% of the population is under 30, but the young population is disproportionately burdened by the country’s economic challenges. Opportunities are scarce, and their voices are often systemically excluded in decision-making circles. Similarly, women face social and cultural norms that marginalize them from positions of power and influence, limiting their potential. The girl child often endures the harshest consequences of this inequality, with their right to health, education, and a fulfilling life overshadowed by harmful traditional practices.

what we do...


AYA empowers individuals through access to quality education.

Health and Nutrition

AYA prioritizes the health and well-being of individuals and communities.

Economic Empowerment

AYA believes in unlocking the economic potential of youth, women, and girls.

Gender and social inclusion

AYA transforms lives in Africa by empowering women.

transforming rural Zambian communities

Vision: Empowering youth and women in Africa


African Youth Awaken  recognize the importance of collaboration in achieving our goals. We are grateful for the dedicated support of our partners, who play a crucial role in amplifying our impact and reaching diverse communities.Thank you for your support for helping AYA build  health Communities and helping the young generation to became responsible citizens by making Health Decisions.

  • Ministry of Health Zambia
  • Ministry of Community Development and Social Services
  • Zambia Police Victim Support Unit
  • Ministry of Education Zambia
  • Zambia Scout Association
  • Charity for Peace Zambia

Through these partnerships, we foster a collaborative environment that facilitates learning, resource sharing, and collective action towards positive change in Africa. We are committed to building strong and lasting partnerships that empower us to create a brighter future for the communities we serve.

 we work for :

  • youth
  • girls
  • women
  • rural Africa

the YOUTH ARE our future

the women shall lead

About AYA

Born in 2015 started operating as a Charity Organization until August 2015 whe it was fully registered , African Youth Awaken (AYA) isn’t just an organization, it’s a revolution. This youth-led, non-profit powerhouse has blazed a trail through Zambia’s communities, igniting positive change where it’s needed most.

Reaching over 2,000 households across three (3) District Province, Namely  Chongwe,Chirundu and Kabwee, AYA has already proven its mettle as a leading community development force. But they’re far from done. Their sights are set on empowering 150-200 young peer educators, transforming them into catalysts for change. Armed with knowledge and support, these future leaders will engage 25,000-30,000 of their peers, sparking a ripple effect of progress that will stretch far and wide.

Abam is A three-time immigrant who has gone from citizen to alien to expat; from tropical Yaoundé, to the Minneapolis tundra, to ancient temples in the hills of Singapore; from bus tokens and section 8 housing to being sworn into the United States Supreme Court bar; from an Army wife to a single mom; from being taught “ladies are seen, not heard” to being a litigator, mediator and global speaker.

Abam has over 15 years of experience in Fortune 500 and AmLaw 100 firms in North America, Africa and Asia.